apolipoprotein survey varaince component studydaewr::BPmonitor
blood pressure monitor experimentdaewr::Bdish
Confounded Block Dishwashing Experimentdaewr::Bff
Confounded block fractional mouse growth experimentdaewr::BoxM
Box and Meyer's unreplicated 2^4 from Chapter 3daewr::COdata
CO emmisions experiment data from Chapter 3daewr::MPV
mixture process variable experiment with mayonnaisedaewr::Naph
Yields of naphthalene blackdaewr::Rations
Cattle rations design experiment data from Table 10.16daewr::SPMPV
Split-plot mixture process variable experiment with vinyldaewr::Smotor
Single array for starting motor experimentdaewr::Tet
Tetracycline concentration in plasmadaewr::Treb
Box-Behnken design for trebuchet experimentdaewr::WeldS
Table 12.24 Experiment with Weld Tensile Strengthdaewr::antifungal
Two-period crossover study of antifungal agentdaewr::apple
Confounded apple slice browning experimentdaewr::arso
2^{(7-3)} arsenic removal experimentdaewr::augm
2^{(7-3)} arsenic removal experiment augmented with mirror imagedaewr::bha
mouse liver enzyme experimentdaewr::bioequiv
Extra-period crossover bioequivalence studydaewr::bioeqv
Latin Square bioequivalence experimentdaewr::blood
Variance component study of calcium in blood serumdaewr::bread
Bread rise experiment data from Chapter 2daewr::cakeb
Split-Plot response surface for cake baking experimentdaewr::cement
CCD design for cement workability experimentdaewr::chem
Chemical process experiment data from Chapter 3daewr::chipman
Williams' crossover design for sprinting experimentdaewr::connector
Table 12.21 Experiment with Elastometric Connectordaewr::cont
Control factor array and summary statistics for controller circuit design experimentdaewr::cpipe
Split-plot response surface for ceramic pipe experimentdaewr::culture
paecilomyces variotii culture experimentdaewr::dairy
Repeated measures study with dairy cow dietsdaewr::drug
Data from rat behavior experiment in Chapter 4daewr::eptaxr
Single array and raw response for silicon layer growth experimentdaewr::eptaxs2
Control array and variance of response for silicon layer growth experimentdaewr::eptaxyb
Control array and mean response for silicon layer growth experimentdaewr::gagerr
Gauge R&R Studydaewr::gear
Unreplicated split-plot fractional-factorial experiment on geometric distortion of drive gearsdaewr::hardwood
low grade hardwood conjoint studydaewr::inject
Single array for injection molding experimentdaewr::pastry
Blocked response surface design for pastry dough experimentdaewr::pest
Pesticide formulation experimentdaewr::pesticide
pesticide application experimentdaewr::plasma
Unreplicated split-plot 2^5 experiment on plasma treatment of paperdaewr::polvdat
Polvoron mixture experimentdaewr::polymer
polymerization strength variability studydaewr::prodstd
Complete control factor array and noise factor array for connector experimentdaewr::qsar
Library of substituted hydroxyphenylurea compoundsdaewr::rcb
generalized RCB golf driving experimentdaewr::residue
Herbicide degradation experimentdaewr::rubber
Rubber Elasticity datadaewr::sausage
Split-plot experiment on sausage casing with RCB in whole plotdaewr::soup
dry mix soup experimentdaewr::soupmx
dry soup mix variance component studydaewr::splitPdes
Split-plot cookie baking experimentdaewr::strung
Repeated measures study with dairy cow dietsdaewr::strungtile
Strung out control factor array and raw response data for Ina tile experimentdaewr::sugarbeet
Sugarbeet data from Chapter 2daewr::taste
taste test panel experimentdaewr::teach
Teaching experiment data from Chapter 2daewr::tile
Control factor array and summary statistics for Ina tile experimentdaewr::vinyl
Vinysl plasticizer formulations experiment datadaewr::virus
Assay of Viral Contamination experiment data from Chapter 3daewr::volt
Volt meter experiment data from Chapter 3daewr::web
Web page design experiment data from Chapter 3IAcsSPCR::DrugI
Drug Impurities data - Phase IIAcsSPCR::DrugIn
Drug Impurities data - Phase IIIAcsSPCR::Frame
Example multivariate dataIAcsSPCR::Lowry
Phase I multivariate data from Lowry, Woodall, Champ and RigdonIAcsSPCR::Ryan92
Phase I multivariate data from Ryan's Table 9.2IAcsSPCR::Sample
Phase I multivariate data from Ryan's Table 9.2IAcsSPCR::Xnew
Phase II for Ryan's Table 9.2IAcsSPCR::x1
Phase I data for exercise 7 Chapt 6IAcsSPCR::x2
Phase II data for exercise 7 Chapt 6